Day 600 Crowded bus Border Crossing, Laos & Vietnam
Sometimes you need to be alone. After a bout of food poisoning, the breakup of a two week relationship, and the dismal failure of my eggs-related podcast, I needed true solitude. Now I am near the border of Laos and Vietnam. My satchel is on...
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Day 541
Just off the Maldives, South Asia
When it comes to temporary jobs, dish washer on a cruise ship isn’t ideal. Rough seas cause broken stemware, moist air ensures nothing ever dries completely, and even the desserts smell like fish. But for me, these are small prices to pay for a few weeks ...
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The pilot tells us we have reached our cruising altitude, though the plane’s constant shaking suggests climbing either higher or lower would be to our collective benefit as passengers. The pilot seems to disagree and we skitter and bump over cloud cover.
Maybe it’s counterintuitive that I am a wo...
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